4 days until art school. 5 weeks until the wedding. 100 birds until the "1000 paper cranes" project is done. And I'm losing my freaking mind. Even after making 9 directional signs to help guests find their way to the wedding I feel completely lost. (I can't take all the credit for those. My lovely brothers used recycled wood from my dads shop and actually did the construction part - I just painted the pretty lettering) Seriously though, am I the only person in their 20s that still gets wicked butterflies before the first day of school? And it doesn't help that Ken and I are on a streak of bad luck.
In an effort to boost our moods my lovely husband to be (in 5 weeks! AAAHHH!) made us this delicious "lazy pie". How adorable is that!? KM+CG? Ummm super cute. Not super cute? That that black blob in the top right corner is our coffee grinder...that melted onto the element while the pie was cooking.If that wasn't bad enough, yesterday we walked out to our car to find out it had been broken into the night before. They took Ken's bag full of important work papers and some other non-important things. On the plus side, they ditched a bunch of the papers and either a conscientious thief, or our friendly parking neighbor put them into a waterproof bag and placed it on our windshield.
At this point we can't afford anymore bad luck so I'm ready to bust through the final 100 birds and wish for some good luck!