Future Mrs. Mason Jar

6 weeks until the wedding people! And all my procrastination is starting to hit me. My handmade to-do list right now is to print off and assemble our crosswords, wash and decorate our candy buffet jars, finish folding the paper cranes(then spray them and thread them), and more...
So what better thing to do with my time than blog about things I finished long ago!!
I like to think I'm pretty clever and when I decided that I'd be swapping out my last name(Gesell) for Ken's(Mason) I thought it would be brilliant to use Mason jars for as many things as I could think of for the wedding. I really wanted the cool old aqua blue mason jars but when I found out that they frequently EXPLODE when they have a candle in them I opted for an alternative. I found this tutorial for painting the jars blue and it worked perfectly.

I decided to make about 40 of these, half for lanterns, and half for flowers. The lanterns I mixed a little iridescent Vitrea 160 in to give them just a little more sparkle. I then wrapped twine and wire around the rim. Where it matched up I braided the twine and wire(I don't recommend doing this if you want to keep your hands baby soft!). Once the braid was at a good length I hooked the wire onto the rim and wrapped the rest of the twine around the rim and tied it in a rustic knot.
For the vases I left out the iridescent paint and added more thinner. This was a lot more simple to make. I just wrapped twine around the rim twice and tied it in a bow! Easy peasy.

Speaking of procrastinating, I totally didn't post about my bridal shower. My Auntie Geri and cousin Ricci put it together. It was super small and quiet, very much the opposite of what I expected from my friends stories. Quite the relief! I was so thankful to have my friends and family there, and was so taken aback by their generosity. Ken and I really didn't feel comfortable registering for anything. As an alternative we decided that we'd register for things for our honeymoon and are sooo thankful for all the gifts we've received. This specific gift has been the only non-honeymoon gift received thus far...and it brought me to tears. Just typing about it is making me misty eyed! My grandma died only a few months after I was born but I always felt a closeness with her. These birds were hers and were passed down from my Auntie Geri with a tear jerking card... They're beautiful and I'll be placing them on top of our cake.