Ken. says:
wud up
Cara. says:
Not a whole lot. I'm pretty much done high school now! So we can be friends with out you being creepy if you're still up for it.
And yourself?
Ken. says:
not much... nasty headcold, watching football
Cara. says:
Cara. says:
The headcold, not the football.
Ken. says:
football or cold?
Cara. says:
Ken. says:
you're creepy
Cara. says:
So are you.
So now that I'm all un-highschooled, do you wanna be my friend?
Ken. says:
I dunno... you're not really unhighschool yet
Cara. says:
Pretty much. I have an hour of it a day.
And an hour of anything doesnt count.
That's science.
Or math.
Ken. says:
well... if you put it that way, I suppose you could be right
Cara. says:
But that's cool if you don't wanna be friends.
I don't really like you anyway.
I just thought you could use another..
Ken. says:
I'm pretty good actually... I was thinking adding you might break my quota
Cara. says:
Ya, I just thought I'd add a little diversity to your friends.
You have like a billion Matt's, I just thought a Cara might be a good addition.
Ken. says:
I suppose I am lacking in the 'ara' department
Cara. says:
However, I already have an "en" so I could do without you if you're not interested.
Ken. says:
what'en' s do you have?
Cara. says:
Ken. says:
you cant be friends with ben... Im already friends with ben and hes not a nice guy
Cara. says:
Sorry, it was an accident.
Ken. says:
oh well... I guess we can't be friends than
Cara. says:
Too bad.
Ken. says:
sorry, Ben was here, so I ditched you for a bit
and no I'm not kidding
Cara. says:
That's okay. I like Ben. He's possibly my favorite "en"
I can understand ditching me for him.
Ken. says:
you're not doing a very good job of courting my friendship
Cara. says:
..I know.
I'm trying to be un-clingy.
But really, all I want is for you to just say you'll be my best friend.
Ken. says:
you're starting to sound a little desparate
Cara. says:
I..pretty much am.
Ken. says:
ok, fine. We can be friemds
Cara. says:
Great. Can we go bike riding and climb trees together?
Ken. says:
wow, slow down I said friemds not friends