I've got the tattoo itch right now. Not that painfully annoying itchy feeling a tattoo gets while it's healing, but the itch to get covered head to toe in as many tattoos as your wallet will allow.
Ever since I got my first tattoo 2 years ago I've been anxious for my next. I immediately started a folder of photos of tattoos I loved and little ideas. The only reason every single one isn't on my body at the moment is shear indecisiveness. I just simply cannot decide where to put them so that they'll all work together.
I'm hoping with the help of having them all laid out in a single post, and the fantastic feedback from my friendly followers I can finally settle on their locations.
This is my current tattoo. It's two years old now, but was only 2 days old in this photo. It's quite a bit darker now.
Now for the prospects! I've ordered them from "must have" to "still debating".

After folding 1000 paper cranes for our wedding in October I knew instantly what my next tattoo had to be. How cute is this?!
Placement ideas:
back of the neck
under arm

I've always wanted a circle tattoo, and I've also always wanted a tattoo that looked like a brush stroke. When I started researching zen/enso circles I was totally in love!
Placement ideas:
back of the neck
centre of back

This has been a must do for me as long as I can remember. But before I can do it...I'll need to have some kids, and have them old enough that they can write their own name.
Placement ideas:
rib cage

I've recently fallen in love with birds and all that encompasses them. I'd looove a feather tattoo!
Placement ideas:
centre of back
behind the ear
under arm

I love love love these silhouettes! I remember having one done in day care when I was a wee one and would love to find it.
Ever since adopting my kitty I've thought about getting a tattoo of her, but I'm not big on portraits... I can only imagine how adorable this would be with her profile!
Placement ideas:
centre of back

As you may have concluded I'm a big fan of really simple small, black and white tattoos. These cameras are really cute, I especially like the clipart style ones.
Placement ideas:
back of neck

I don't know why but dandelions always remind me of the prairies. Something to do with the organic quality, the way they blow around? I don't know, but whatever the reason, I like them!
Placement ideas:
lower back
shoulder blade(around to the front)

I'd love a music related tattoo but I'm bored of music notes. I think the f holes are a super cute alternative.
Placement ideas:
back of neck