I was incredibly excited when Ken and I were nominated and became one of eleven other weddings in the contest.
Yesterday when the contest started our photo had the most votes, and I thought we had it in the bag. When I checked again yesterday evening I discovered that another photo that previously had no votes, suddenly had a ton!
So I started campaigning a little, and eventually it became a popularity contest. Which is super great for Melissa, as now she has a lot of new fans. Not so great when you've always failed at popularity contests.
The contest ends tomorrow morning and I hold no chance of pulling ahead at this point and feel kind of defeated. I realize that's totally childish of me, and wish I didn't feel that way.
So this is me, getting it off my chest, and moving on.
I had a beautiful wedding and loved every single second of it. Even if someone's photo is better than mine, I need to remember that and be thankful.